New Moon in Sagittarius will take place on November 23. In addition, during this season we had a Sun Eclipse on October 25 and a Moon Eclipse on November 8, the second total lunar eclipse of the year. Astrologists consider that the energy of this Eclipse season will stay with us during six months. They are talking about these eclipses as a Portal, a new cycle for transformation, detachment, empowerment and revealed truths. A period that will bring to light our capacity to change. The Solar Eclipse and the New Moon in October 25th brought inner power to manifest our dreams, desires and destiny. This energy can be felt as a rebirth bringing clarity, focus and light to let go of what no longer serve us. Last week, many people may have felt that some things started to fall down, things that were not aligned with their personal values, goals and authenticity. This is a wonderful opportunity for positive change! Find out everything you need to know about this New Moon.
What’s this Sagittarius New Moon all about?
Sagittarius New Moon brings the power of growth, optimism, high energy, passion and the feeling of everything is possible. It invites us to make new choices to reveal and unlock our full potential. New Moons are related to new beginnings. For this particular Moon, the changes are marked by the death of old thoughts, actions and energies that are not aligned with our purposes. Some people can feel more adventurous, going towards new horizons with self confidence.
These new horizons do not necessarily have to be physical, they also refer to the desire of rediscovering ourselves and being our best version of ourselves. Other people can feel more reflective and introverted, wanting to spend time alone to connect with theirselves and find out their new direction.
However, since we are living in a strong energy movement, be sure to evaluate all the pros and cons before making final decisions and starting new paths.
Things to do this New Moon:
• Take some rest to do nothing: as this is a moment of reflection, give yourself permission to rest if you need it, without feeling guilty for not doing anything in particular.
• Create space for peace: find moments to slow down thoughts and to connect with your highest purposes. You can focus your attention on your breath, meditate or read a positive book that inspires you.
• Set intentions for a bright future: grab your pen and create your list of goals, plans and dreams. Prepare yourself to start your new path!
• Make a "Let Go" list: this is a good time to think about situations, relationships, thoughts, feelings and actions that no longer fit with your new goals and desires. Write down everything you want to transform in your life. Once you finish burn it in a safe place, as a symbol of letting go of the old story. Then, you can meditate and visualize your new life.
• Hair-care rituals: hair treatments are recommended during this Moon. Make it look even more soft, shiny and healthy!
Recommended Crystals for Full Moon:
Discover the best crystals you can use for your New Moon rituals and as amulets in your pocket or jewelry:
• Lapis Lazuli: a stone for wisdom and personal power. It is perfect if you want to clarify your ideas and balance your Third Eye and Crown Chakras. Lapis Lazuli also relieve stress providing serenity.
• Smoky Quartz: this crystal will bring you focus, protection and positive energy. Smoky Quartz neutralizes dense vibrations and helps to leave the past behind. It is also recommended to quit bad habits, healing and growth.
• Carnelian: a motivating and stimulating stone that will increase your physical energy and inner power. Carnelian will bring you focus and connection with the Earth. This gemstone helps to find your unique place in the Universe.
• Rhodonite: a stone with a gentle and loving energy. It opens the heart and helps to heal emotional wounds and trauma. If you want to let go and forgive a situation or person, this stone will support you in the process.
• Pink Opal: as Rhodonite, this stone will comfort your heart with its peaceful and delicate energy. Pink Opal brings balance and healing to your emotions, helping in all matters of love and relationships.
• Black Obsidian: often used for protection during Sagittarius New Moons. Use it only if you feel comfortable with its energy. This is a stone without limitations that will expose to light any shadow, weakness and energy blockages. Nothing can hide from Obsidian!
Are you ready for the next amazing chapter of your life? Looking for the perfect addition to any new moon? Check out the Bad Bitch Vibes New Moon stack here!