Clean Eating Holiday Entertaining

A great "rule of thumb" to follow to host healthier holiday hosting is to prepare food with clean eating in mind. Are you familiar with the term "clean eating"?
Is eating clean new to you? Or have you been eating clean for a while now?
Despite many popular interpretations, the simplest way to explain it is: choosing foods that are in their natural state. Real. Whole. Foods.


The foundation of eating clean means to limit or eliminate all packaged and processed foods that contain long scary ingredients. Clean eating is a concept that must be followed consistently to reap the best health benefits. But you don't have to be PERFECT -- no one is! If you stick to eating clean 80-90% of the time -- giving yourself some "wiggle" room for date nights, cheat treats & the holidays -- you'll still feel and experience more energy, digestion, restful sleep, regulated blood sugar and even better mental health.

By creating your menu and preparing dishes following the clean eating guidelines you will be able to: 

1.) Stay more on track with your fitness/nutrition goals
2.) Have more energy for the busy holiday season
3.) Create healthy habits for longterm
4.) Share with family & friends the benefits of eating clean
5.) Find healthier recipes that you, your family, and friends can still enjoy for the best time of year

Do you believe that eating clean is possible during the holidays? What unhealthy, high-fat, high-sugar dish or dishes do you struggle with the most?

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