I personally crave the crunchy, salty snacks WAY more than cookies, cake and ice cream. How is it even possible to eat salsa, guacamole and queso without chips?? Unfortunately when switching over to a clean eating plan, these carbs are one of the things to go, however are greatly missed. I found that finding a clean version of the crunchy snacks took a ton of creativity and trial and error.
I have enclosed a download below of some of my favorite swaps for you to check out when that craving hits. Typically I grab raw veggies as a replacement and love to eat them with hummus and guacamole. But let's face it, after a while that gets a little boring.
When you just can’t eat another carrot or celery stick, these are the perfect swap for traditional crackers laden with refined and processed white flours, salt, and oil. Check them out here and enjoy!