Sassy Swaps - How to Begin with Clean Eating

Clean eating – a phrase everyone throws around regularly but what does it even mean?  And where do you begin? Clean eating, although a very hot topic, is not a new concept and has been around a very long time. Basically, it means eating whole, healthy, real foods. Foods that are minimally processed, not sugary, not refined, as close to their original whole state as possible. When shopping in the store, most shopping will be done on the perimeter (think fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean meats, dairy.) The further into the aisles you go, the more likely you are to be in the processed, sugary food section, which you want to avoid.

I know when I started on this journey it seemed totally overwhelming.  I ate many things that were labeled as “healthy” when in  reality they were not.  Or I didn’t fully understand what the ingredients on the label meant.  (Like the fact that sugar is under about 100 different names.)  I found success in swapping out one thing at a time, incorporating it into my lifestyle and then moving on to something else.  

A few basic things to get lined out before starting the swaps:  If you are not drinking water, you need to start as soon as possible.  Shoot for at least half your body weight in ounces of water a day.  This is critical to your success.  And if you were a soda drinker (like I was) switching out a few sodas a day for water will also help you kick that habit! 

Also if you are not eating every 2-1/2 to 3 hours, this is the perfect time to begin.  (Who doesn’t like to eat more??) This will keep your insulin levels constant and your blood sugar stabilized to help with those pesky cravings. Also, it is always better to cook rather than eat out.  (You never really know what is going into or onto the food.) 

Next, download and try out my quick list of sassy swaps.  These are simple things you can change out in your daily living that will make a big difference for you!  

Which swap will you make first??  Which one of these will you struggle with the most?

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