Need Some Help Setting Your New Year's Goals??

It is that time of year again.  The time of year to set your goals for the upcoming year.  Such an exciting time!  It is like having a do-over or a clean slate to start fresh with.  Didn’t get everything done last year you wanted?  Recommit this year!  I have always loved setting goals but historically found I didn’t set them in the correct way to hold myself accountable and actually achieve them.  By the time March rolled around, I didn't even remember what I wanted to achieve!  

If you are like me, I wanted to share 10  tips that have helped me create and follow through with my goals: 

  1. Figure out who you really are and what your strengths are.  

  2. Review the last year.  What did you get right?  What do you need to improve or recommit to?

  3. What do you really want?  (Ask and the universe delivers!)

  4. Figure out what is holding you back.  (limiting beliefs)

  5. What are your priorities?

  6. What areas do you excel in?

  7. Define your why.  Really spend some time working with this. Without a strong why it will be difficult to stay committed.

  8. Break your goals down into actionable steps. If you want to lose 20 pounds this year, what does that really mean?  It means you need lose a little over a pound a month, which means you need a be in about a 3500 calorie deficit. You get my point here.

  9. Find an accountability partner that will truly hold you accountable to your goals. Schedule a weekly wine/coffee/check in!  When you are actually explaining why or why you have not reached your goals for the week, make sure this person will praise you and also call bullshit when needed!

Goal setting is a thoughtful process.  It is not something you fly through in 10 minutes or so.  Schedule out several sessions for you to work on these tips.  Feel stuck on one?  Move on to another and then come back when you feel inspired to finish the step.  I hope these tips are helpful for you!  

I wish each of you the happiest, healthiest, most prosperous year yet!  

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